39 E Colorado Ave, Frankfort, IL 60423 - (708) 789-9289
6305 W 95th St, 2nd Floor, Oak Lawn, IL 60453 - (708) 424-1300
9111 W. 151st St., Orland Park, IL 60462 - (708) 590-4422

What Does it Mean to be a Pediatric Dentist?

In simple terms, a pediatric dentist is a dentist that provides dental care to kids, but pediatric dentistry can be more complex than that.

Pediatric dentists often get asked, “Well, can’t my kids just see my dentist?”  The quick answer is yes, however, there are many reasons to consider a pediatric dental specialist for your child.

Pediatric dentists receive extensive, specialized training for all children (infants, toddlers, adolescents, special needs)

Pediatric dentists obtain extensive training in the oral health care and oral conditions of infants, children, and adolescents.  In addition to the four year curriculum of general dentistry, a pediatric dentist completes two to three years of additional post graduate education.  Pediatric dentists complete their training in a hospital based setting where they are exposed to a variety of clinical cases, of varying degrees of complexity, including special needs dentistry, infant dentistry, and comprehensive pediatric dentistry.  Pediatric dentists are knowledgeable and prepared to treat many oral conditions including dental pain, dental infections, dental trauma, sedation dentistry, oral sedation dentistry, and general anesthesia. A pediatric dentist can also become board certified, an additional certificate process in which the pediatric dentist exemplifies their knowledge of all aspects of pediatric dentistry in a written and oral examination. 

Pediatric dentists understand the cognitive development of children

Not only does a pediatric dentist have knowledge in advanced dental techniques (sedation dentistry, dental trauma) but they also can help children cope with their dental fears by understanding and studying the cognitive development of children.  Pediatric dentists understand the cognitive, emotional and psychological outlook of various age groups and can provide coping mechanisms for children during their dental appointment.  Since pediatric dentists only treat children,  the office environment is not only kid-friendly, but the pediatric dentist has a unique skill set in making a dental visit appropriate for each age group.

Pediatric dentists can provide dentistry for special needs children

A pediatric dentist is also prepared to provide dentistry to all children, including those with special needs. Whether a child has autism spectrum disorder, attention deficit disorder, anxiety disorder, or medical conditions, a pediatric dentist is able to provide dental care that is tailored specifically for each child and is able to provide individualized, gentle and safe dental care.  In addition to having the clinical experience, a pediatric dentist has extensive academic training on many syndromes, disorders, and conditions that children may present. Combining their clinical and educational training, pediatric dentists are equipped to educate and provide options for families and children with special needs. 

Children’s teeth are different than adult teeth!

Not only is a pediatric dentist treating little ones, they are taking care of little teeth! It may be hard to believe, but children’s teeth differ from adult teeth! Having the expertise in children’s teeth, pediatric dentists have learned the specific anatomy of a child’s tooth, what dental materials provide the best results, and what type of treatment will provide a good prognosis and result! Whether a child needs a cleaning or a root canal (yes, baby teeth need root canals too!) a pediatric dentist is trained to deliver the treatment safely, effectively, and successfully! Pediatric dentists immerse themselves in the dental care of children. They know what has good results, what will help your child’s dental experience and how to take care and maintain those pearly whites!

Pediatric dentists have chosen to work with kids!

Consider how difficult it is for you to choose a dentist for yourself.  Now consider how hard it is for you to sit through a dental filling.

Choosing a dentist for your kids can be twice as hard! Pediatric dentists understand that you choose them because you have made a choice for your kid to have a positive experience and to be involved in their oral health care.  Pediatric dentists are your child’s oral health care advocate! They have the patience, admiration, and imagination of kids. They have chosen to become a pediatric dental specialists so that they can provide quality dental care to your child. Pediatric dentists want what is best for each kid, just as much as you do!

At Bite Size Pediatric Dentistry, we hope to meet those expectations and strive to make it a great experience for your little one! Read more about Dr. Denise, her training, and how she is a Board Certified!


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